- Tämä tapahtuma on jo ollut.

Nutrition Winter School proudly presents Nutrition Winter Webinar 2022
Speakers and topics
14-14.15 Welcome and information on Nutrition Winter School
14.15-14.45 NUTRITION AND COVID-19. Professor Ursula Schwab, University of Eastern Finland.
14.45-15.15 VITAMIN D, IMMUNE HEALTH AND COVID-19. Professor Martin Hewison, University of Birmingham.
15.15-15.45 PROBIOTICS, THE NASOPHARYNGEAL MICROBIOME AND SARS-COV-2. Professor Sarah Lebeer, University of Antwerp.
15.45-15.55 a mini break
15.55-16.30 Detailed information about the upcoming Nutrition Winter School 2023, which will take place 23.-27.1.2023 in the Finnish Lapland
This webinar is free of charge. Registration is now open at https://www.lyyti.in/Nutrition_Winter_Webinar_2022
After the talks there will be information on the upcoming Nutrition Winter School 2023, which will take place 23.-27.1.2023 in the Finnish Lapland!
For more information, please, visit www2.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/nutrition-winter-school
Organiser: Nutrition Winter School by Medical Nutrition Physiology Research Group, Medical Faculty, University of Helsinki.