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Nordic Nutrition Summer Symposium
Save the date! The 1st Nordic Nutrition Summer Symposium will be organized in Helsinki on August 24-26, 2022.
The symposium is organized by FENS affiliated Nordic nutrition societies and supported by Nordic Council of Ministers, FENS and Finnish Society for Nutrition Research.
Symposium welcomes members of all Nordic nutrition societies, however there is place available for the first 40 registered and priority to PhD students (2 ECTS).
Price:100 €, incl. program in Helsinki, lunches and refreshments. The participation fee will be invoiced by the beginning of August.
Streamed key note lectures are free for all members of the FENS affiliated nutrition societies.
Online streaming for non-members: 30 €
Register here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/60BE61B71D41928C
Registration closes on Thu 23rd of June 2022.
”Hot topics in nutrition to be discussed:
Trial designs and biomarkers, clinical care and health promotion programs”
DAY 1: Nutrition research methods
12:00-12:30 Introduction + Group assigments for future session
Session 1 12:30-13:15: Principles and dilemmas in the planning and interpretation of randomized nutrition trials –Camilla T. Damsgaard *streamed
13:15-14:00 Journal club with questions and sum up
14:00-14:05 Break
14:05-14:45 Introduction to and principles of biomarkers in nutrition trials –Marjukka Kolehmainen *streamed
14:45-15:00 Break
Session 2 15:00-17:00 Biomarkers of food intake and dietary patterns –Lars Dragsted *streamed,
Novel biomarkers related to disease risk and microbiota –Kati Hanhineva *streamed
Session 3 17:00-18:30 Unraveling the bioinformatics methods section in diet-microbiota studies –Leo Lahti
18:30 Transiting towards the social event (departure time of the cruise is 19:00)
DAY 2: Clinical nutrition
Session 1 9:00-12:00 Abstracts
12:00-13:30 Lunch
Session 2 13:30-14:15 Assessment and diagnosis of malnutrition –Gunnar Akner *streamed
14:15-15:00 Pathophysiological mechanisms and biomarkers in malnutrition –Jutta Dierkes *streamed
15:00-15:30 Break
Session 3 15:30-16:00 Treatment of malnutrition –Ursula Schwab *streamed
16:00-17:00 Panel discussion between the students and three lecturers
17:00-17:15 Break
Session 4 17:15-18:45 Digitalised & personalized health promotions approaches: useful or nonsense? –Mikael Fogelholm; Kirsi Laitinen
18:45-19:00 Summary of the day
20:30 Get together / Social event
DAY 3: Health promotion programs
Session 3A 9:00-10:00 Future session (Part 1): Where is nutrition science going in the Nordic countries in the next decades? Students to prepare short presentations (groups assigned at the 1st day + topics given) + panel with experts. Moderated by Birna Þórisdóttir.
Session 1 10:00-10:45 The Upcoming Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, with focus on sustainability aspects –Helle Margrete Meltzer *streamed
10:45-11:30 Vitamin D from a Nordic Perspective: Vitamin D status and strategies to achieve adequate vitamin D intake in the Nordic countries –Rikke Andersen *streamed
11:30-11:45 Break
Session 2 11:45-13:15 From action plans to successful interventions and strategies. A short introduction from marketing specialists (Elina Närvänen, University of Tampere; Soile Käkönen, HKScan Corporation) followed by discussion moderated by Mikael Fogelholm & Birna Þórisdóttir
13:15-14:30 Lunch
Session 3B 14:30-15:45 Future session (Part 2): Where is nutrition science going in the Nordic countries in the next decades? Moderated by Birna Þórisdóttir.
15:45-16:00 Summary of the day & Closure
All sessions are hold at Siltavuorenpenger 3 A.
Find more information on the FENS website: https://fensnutrition.org/2022/04/fens-summer-school-the-first-nordic-nutrition-summer-symposium/