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Improving Food Choices: Towards More Healthy Sustainable Diets

Save the date! 
The University of Helsinki (Department of Food and Nutrition) and the Queen’s University Belfast warmly welcome you to the TITAN Symposium entitled ’Improving Food Choices: Towards More Healthy Sustainable Diets’ in Helsinki and online.
Join us for an inspiring day of exploring sustainable diets, new innovations, and other interesting topics in two engaging sessions:
‘The impact of the Sus-health Index on improving food choices: a ”living lab” experiment in Finland’
‘Building Sustainable and Healthy Food Environments’
Registration will open and the program will be announced in April.
What: TITAN Symposium
Where: Helsinki, Finland
When: Tuesday 27 May, 2025
Save the date! 
Helsingin yliopisto (Elintarvike- ja ravitsemustieteen osasto) ja Queen’s University Belfast toivottavat sinut lämpimästi tervetulleeksi TITAN-projektin seminaariin ’Improving Food Choices: Towards More Healthy Sustainable Diets’.
Luvassa on inspiroiva päivä kestävien ruokavalioiden, uusien innovaatioiden ja muiden mielenkiintoisten teemojen parissa, kahdessa mielenkiintoisessa sessiossa:
‘The impact of the Sus-health Index on improving food choices: a ”living lab” experiment in Finland’
‘Building Sustainable and Healthy Food Environments’
Ilmoittautuminen aukeaa ja tarkempi ohjelma julkaistaan huhtikuussa.
Mitä: TITAN Symposium
Missä: Helsinki
Milloin: Tiistaina 27.5.2025


09:00 - 16:00
Tapahtuma Tags:
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University of Helsinki


Helsinki, Suomi + Google Map